The 2021 Rendezvous Recap

Garrett Witmer, Ryan Akerley, and Zach St. Clair team up on a fine search. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

At this year’s WNDR Rendezvous, we had the pleasure to convene in the Wasatch with our Friends of WNDR, employees, and most importantly, you. 

The purpose of our annual WNDR Rendezvous is more than a simple, skin-powered ski meetup. Our focus with these events is education and collaborative learning. Practice. Learn. Practice. Develop the muscle memory and mindset to keep your partners and community safe.

This year, we gathered together under the oversight of CSGA II Guide and A3 Avalanche Professional Harrison Brickman. For some attendees, this was the first time they had gotten the chance to learn these skills from a professional. For others, this served as a welcome refresher, and a way to ease into the season with poise and intention. Here are a few moments from our time together.

Low impact, low cost backcountry access in the form of public transportation. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

Mother Nature blessed us with the good stuff on the first day. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

Know your equipment. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

How do you best utilize your partners and equipment in a multiple burial situation? Teamwork and communication are key. FOW: Marguerite VanKommen, Melissa Gill, Harrison Brickman and Xan Marshland // Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

What slope angle are you on? Remember, looking at the average slope angle across the whole slope only gets you so far. What's the maximum angle of the steepest rollover?  Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

UAC Forecaster Nikki Champion and CSGA II Guide Harrison Brickman walk us through rescue protocol on Day 2. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

Harrison gets low for a fine search. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

Harrison demonstrates an effort to reach the victim’s airway as quickly as possible. Xan gets countless free faceshots. Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

On our WNDR Alpine employee Rendezvous, we split into groups to practice rescue techniques. Here Mouse Joice, Dane Weister, and Daryl Deprey divide into columns to most efficiently cover the entire slide path on their signal search.  Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

Introducing… the Purple Probe Boys! Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

The rule always applies, no matter your age: if you’re having fun, you’re learning. Here’s to a great practice session with a wonderful crew. FOW: Mouse Joice, Daryl Deprey, and Dane Weister // Photo: Pep Fujas (@pepfujas)

Want to gain some knowledge at next year’s Rendezvous? Early access to our community starts now. Lock down some skis to get complimentary access!