Photo: Carson Meyer (@carsonmeyerphoto)


Backcountry ski guide for SASS Global Travel

Photo: Carson Meyer (@carsonmeyerphoto)

I grew up in the mountains and on the lakes of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.

You could find me on either the soccer pitch or a ski racing course in the great Pacific Northwest. Both sports came to me fairly easily and traveling for these activities came to be part of my family's lifestyle. They consumed my spare time and instilled a love for the outdoors and unfamiliar places. Eventually, my focus specifically switched toward my passion for skiing. I very much didn't like being told what to do, and that's why skiing appealed to me more than team sports. I could express my own style and there really weren't many rules. I ski raced through my freshman year of high school, but eventually even the minimal rules of ski racing got to be too much. I traded in my race skis and spandex for some park skis and baggy clothes and my journey to now began.

I moved to Tahoe when I was 17, met the right people in the industry, and have been traveling the world to ski since.  

Skiing is my life, my passion, my outlet, my drug of choice. It has provided me, my friends, my work, and my lifestyle. Thank you skiing. I wouldn't have it any other way.



Spokane, WA


Lake Tahoe, CA


  • Obtaining AIARE Avalanche 1 and 2, WFR, Rescue, and medical certifications to guide on behalf of SASS Global Travel in Argentina and Japan.
  • The first skier to do nose butter tricks in competition. 2006 U.S. open. Jaws were dropped, including the man that is most recognized for the trick today.
  • Advertisements, Articles, Editorials, Spreads in the top skiing magazines. The ones that are worth a subscription. Never FREEZE though.  
  • Designing and building my own skis. I blended two of my favorite skis to date. The Line Elizabeth by Eric Pollard and the Lib-Tech POW NAS
  • Procuring my United States Coast Guard Captains License