Photo: Chris Christie @christieimages



Photo: Chris Christie @christieimages

From early on, skiing has been the conduit through which I have grown and progressed. It went from sidehits in the rain, to alpine ski racing, and eventually onto coaching and ultimately backcountry lines.

While the genre may change, the constant has been the great people I meet along the way. These days you can find me in the vast alpine canvas of the Coast Range, looking for creative ways to link terrain features while pushing the limits of my headlights battery. When I’m not skiing I work as a Chiropractor at Squamish Barbell where my focus is on athletic performance using strength and conditioning as a vehicle for rehabilitation.


North Vancouver, BC


Squamish, BC


  • Instigator of the Nocturne 88
  • First known descent of the Stawamus Chief North Gully | Squamish, BC
  • Descents of Asperity and Serra 1 Couloirs | Waddington Range, BC
  • Linkup: Owls couloir, Wedge couloir and Rethel couloir | Whistler, BC
  • Mount Currie Central Couloir from the Valley | Pemberton, BC
  • Bachelor of Kinesiology and Doctor of Chiropractic